Dental Hygiene/Exams

dental_chairWhy are regular checkups necessary?

Regular dental checkups and oral exams are essential to good health because harmful bacteria may develop in your mouth and lead to more serious problems. Regular dental exams also screen for oral cancer and other signs of potential disease in the mouth.


Why is good dental hygiene necessary?

Practicing good dental hygiene and following the American Dental Association (ADA) recommendations for brushing and flossing prevents harmful bacteria from accumulating in your mouth. Good oral hygiene means avoiding foods such as sugary snacks, as well as maintaining a regular brushing and flossing routine, along with routine dental checkups and professional cleanings.


What happens during an oral exam?

When you visit Dentistry of West Bend for a routine dental checkup, we will take comprehensive digital X-rays of your mouth and perform a thorough examination of your teeth and gums, as well as examining your entire oral cavity.

During the exam, Dr. Harding checks for problems such as signs of tooth decay and cavities, which are tiny perforations in the teeth that will typically require a filling. He will check to make sure that your teeth are stable and not loose, as loose teeth may indicate a more serious underlying condition. Dr. Harding will also check for malocclusions, such as crooked or overcrowded teeth, as these conditions may require orthodontic treatment such as braces. Additionally, he will check your gums and soft tissue for any signs of possible diseases, such as oral cancer and other conditions that may require medical attention.

Dr. Harding will explain your options for managing any conditions you may have, and make recommendations for routine preventive home care.


What happens during a professional dental cleaning?

Dental cleanings at Dentistry of West Bend are performed by a licensed professional dental hygienist who is highly skilled and committed to your oral health and comfort, providing a thorough professional cleaning with a gentle touch.

A professional cleaning usually takes about a half-hour and is a painless procedure. The hygienist will use specialized, sterilized instruments to scrub tooth surfaces and remove stubborn stains from the teeth. The cleaning process also removes any dental plaque and tartar that may be present on the teeth and gums. Our hygienist will also provide an antiseptic fluoride rinse to disinfect your teeth and mouth and kill harmful bacteria while refreshing your breath.

A professional dental cleaning leaves your mouth feeling fresh and clean, while also protecting your oral health.


How often should I see my dentist?

Dental visits are recommended at least twice yearly to keep your teeth healthy and strong. Depending on the general condition of your teeth and gums, some individuals may need to see their dentist at least every 1-3 months, and even more often when treating a serious condition. If you suffer from problems such as bleeding gums, tooth decay, cavities, loose teeth, chronic abscesses, or periodontal disease, you will likely need to see your dentist more frequently until the condition has been fully resolved.