Are you tired of feeling self-conscious about your missing teeth? Do you want to restore your smile and improve your oral health? Two popular options for replacing missing teeth are dental bridges and dentures. Both offer a range of benefits and can improve the function and appearance of your teeth. But which one is right for you? In this post, we will dive deep into dental bridges and dentures. We will explain what they are, their benefits, and how they compare regarding durability, lifespan, and impact on oral health. By the end of this article, you will have all the information you need to decide which option is best for you.

Understanding Dental Bridges

Fixed prosthetic devices replacing missing teeth, dental bridges restore the natural bite by bridging the gap. The main types of bridges include traditional, cantilever, and Maryland bridges, anchored to adjacent natural teeth, dental implants, or both. This permanent solution for missing teeth is a significant aspect of cosmetic dentistry.

Advantages of Dental Bridges

Dental bridges significantly improve appearance, speech, and chewing ability by replacing missing teeth. They also ensure proper bite force distribution, preventing gum disease and bone support loss. With natural teeth support and good oral health, dental bridges offer a permanent solution that requires regular maintenance, contributing to long-term dental well-being.

Unpacking Dentures

Dentures, called false teeth, are removable prosthetic replacements for missing teeth. They are adaptable to the patient’s dental needs, replacing either full or partial teeth. Additionally, dentures are constructed using various materials such as acrylic, metal, and flexible options. Complete dentures rest on the gums, while partial dentures attach to existing teeth, offering a more flexible alternative to dental bridges.

Benefits of Dentures

Restoring the teeth’ natural look, function, and health, dentures offer flexible choices and support adjacent teeth. They provide artificial teeth support and require regular maintenance for good dental health. With options like replacement teeth and mouth sores, dentures are an excellent treatment for informed decisions in cosmetic dentistry. Ready for an appointment today?

Dental Bridges vs Dentures: A Comparative Analysis

When considering restorative dentistry solutions for missing teeth, the choice between dental bridges and dentures depends on individual factors. Dental bridges, a type of cosmetic dentistry, are best for replacing strong existing or front teeth, while dentures are suitable for lower or total teeth replacement. Bridges offer artificial root support and stability, while dentures are removable, offering flexibility and options. Understanding the benefits of each is essential for making an informed decision about replacement teeth.

Durability and Lifespan

When considering durability and lifespan, dental bridges can last 10–15 years with proper maintenance, depending on the type and oral health. With regular care, dentists offer 5–7 years of good jawbone support, varying based on the type and existing teeth health. Choosing the best treatment is crucial for the longevity of both dental bridges and dentures.

Impact on Oral Health

The impact on oral health differs between dental bridges and dentures. Bridges promote good bone support, reducing the risk of bone loss and gum disease. They also support natural teeth, reducing oral health problems. On the other hand, dentures ensure a natural look, dental care, and healthy teeth. The two choices significantly impact oral health, tooth extraction, and dental health.

Which is the Right Choice for You?

When deciding between dental bridges and dentures, various factors include oral health, remaining teeth, bone support, and dental care requirements. Consulting experts and creating an informed treatment plan is crucial. Consider different bridge types and denture options to find the best choice for your unique needs.


In conclusion, both dental bridges and dentures offer their own set of advantages and benefits. Dental bridges provide a more permanent solution with better stability and functionality, while dentures offer flexibility and affordability. The choice between the two depends on factors such as durability, impact on oral health, and personal preference. Consulting with your dentist will help determine your choice based on your specific needs and circumstances. Whether you opt for dental bridges or dentures, both can restore your smile and improve your oral health. 

 Contact us today at Dentistry of West Bend!